
Beauty and Elegance Jewellery

Buying Jewelry, the first time for your Girlfriend

A sure-fire sign that your relationship is blooming is that now you feel ready to buy the first piece of jewelry for your Girlfriend. The prospect of buying that perfect gift is naturally daunting, making you nervous. Likely you still are yet to figure out what her jewelry style is. Let us guide you to the right decision.

Buying jewelry for the Girlfriend need not be as intimidating as it sounds. The bank need not be broken. Not only will the jewelry be well within budget, but your Girlfriend will absolutely love it.

We will also discuss and light the way for you, as to how you can create great memories associated with jewelry.


Possibly your Girlfriend is sure of her fashion sense. If she is convinced, she has great style acumen, be observant in noting down details. If she does not take to bling, something subtle will suit her. Statement jewelry suits if she’s into bling.

We are sure she will love silver jewelry. Especially the purest possible jewelry at hugely advantageous prices: factors that will matter once she becomes habituated to your silver gifts!

Check her Jewelry box

Steal a peep into her jewelry box. Unbeknownst to her, gather information about her precious metal passion. Does she like gemstones? Would the idea of sporting cubic zirconia excite her? Which would she prefer – rings or bracelets, pendants or earrings? Style’s a very individual thing. Make sure you know exactly what the SO likes. Buy the perfect gift – then go in for the kill! She’ll love you forever!

The Anatomy of Love

 It’s her face that’s the center of your Universe. Show her how much you care, by getting all details pat down precise and exact. The contours of her face make you happy. Only specific jewelry will go with that special face. It’s your job and duty to find out what that jewelry is.

The figure and skin tone will also be factored in, in order to solve the question of gifting.

Let’s consider earrings for her face

  • Round Jaws and round face go well excellently with long dangling earrings
  • Narrow A narrow visage is made more attractive with round-shaped studs
  • Square A square jawline goes well with all shapes except square-shaped jewelry
  • Heart Shaped If her face is an oval of innocence, chandelier earrings or long curve-shaped earrings will only enhance her attractiveness
  • Diamond Wide cheekbones are aesthetically enhanced by long, curve-shaped dangle earrings.

Her figure will have to be considered when buying Silgo’s silver necklaces.

  • Pear-Shaped Shorter, chunkier pieces that accentuate the face are your sure-fire winners.
  • Apple Shaped If she is bit towards chubbiness, a long pendant necklace up to the navel will look great on her.
  • Straight Shaped A bib necklace can help her undefined waistline look curvier. A delicate necklace could show off her neckline.

Finally, consider your Girlfriend’s skin tone. Silver jewelry is ideal particularly if she’s fair. Rose gold plated silver jewelry is great for all skin tones.

If you know her personality and can anticipate her choices, in spite of the above considerations, it’s a fool-proof enterprise buying Silgo’s jewelry for her.

Listen to Her

 If she’s really into you, she loves the idea of your devotion crystallized in gifts of silver. Be on the lookout for her hints. Notice if she speaks out aloud her admiration for someone ‘s ensemble on TV, or if she does a little window shopping in your company. The clues will be all around. You will not only see, but also observe.

Take Her Shopping

 Does your Girlfriend’s eyes light up, looking at certain pieces in a jewelry section? What thrills her most? Make a mental note for future reference.

Meet Her Friends

 Be circumspect and clever while trying to steal info about her tastes from her best friends. You can beat about the bush and come away with the right answer. You want the surprise to remain veiled in secrecy till the last moment.

Quality Conscious

 Quality and charm need not break the bank. Great quality products are affordable, and she will be relieved you were not financially stressed getting her goods for her.

Jewelry Ideas

 Jewelry shopping is fun, if you feel sure of success.

  • Necklaces are versatile and go well with any ensemble;
  • Statement Necklace A bold, unique statement necklace makes a strong statement. A gemstone necklace will make a trendy statement if she likes to dress in ways that draw attention. A chunky florid necklace gives that classic look;
  • Personalized Necklace An excellent sentimental choice like a personalized pendant necklace will make for a great moment in Time. Assured happy memories. Sentimental jewelry will speak your message to her – straight from the heart;
  • Heart Shaped Pendant Rose gold pendants and birthstone pendants are a sure-fire way to success. A heart-shaped pendant is a cinch.

  • Unique Pendant

    We have a wide variety of pendants and necklaces. You can get her unique jewelry.


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